Anyone who has Ameraucana chicken will tell you, these are special birds. They are known as prolific layers of beautiful blue or blue-green eggs. But they are so much more than that.
This comes out to somewhere around 200 eggs a year a good amount for a small family.
Whilst they lay all year round, you can expect them to slow down during their molt and the winter months.
You should know that she can be slow to start laying. Sometimes you might have to wait up to seven months before the appearance of Ameraucana Chicken Eggs, but the wait is certainly worth it.
The Ameraucana chicken is a pretty bird with a varied color palette. The officially recognized colors for this breed are black, blue, blue wheaten,
Ameraucana Chicken Color Chart depending on the color of the plumage, the legs and feet should be slate blue to black. There should be four toes on each foot, and the shanks should be clean of feathering. The skin on the bottom of the foot is white, as is the skin of the bird.
The Ameraucana chicken is a pretty bird with a varied color palette. The officially recognized colors for this breed are black, blue, blue wheaten, brown-red, buff, silver, wheaten, and white. The legs are slate blue to black, and the skin and the bottom of the foot are whiteThere are eight recognized colors for the ameraucana chicken color chart.

True Black Ameraucana Chicken should grow up to be black, but occasionally you’ll get “leakage” showing some silver or gold feathers, especially in the hackles. If your chicks are EEs then they can really change colour as they grow up. The best blacks will start out as black chicks with white chests, sometimes some white on head and wings as well.
MONDAY - FRIDAY 11:00 - 18:30 SATURDAY 11:00 - 17:00
SUNDAY 12:30 - 16:30

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